A study of international academic mobility in undergraduate courses at Federal University of São Carlos within the framework of the programs AUGM, Bracol, Bramex and bilateral cooperation agreements
internationalization, higher education, international academic mobilityAbstract
The internationalization process of higher education has advanced a lot in recent years and has become a
priority on institutional agendas, as a way of enabling scientific/technological advancement and crucial for
Universities to appear in the international context. The activities associated with internationalization go far
beyond the cross-border mobility of students, as it also encompasses curriculum development, international
cooperation, staff development, among other aspects. In this scenario, this research aimed to assess
international academic mobility in undergraduate courses at the Federal University of São Carlos, within
the framework of the programs AUGM, Bracol, Bramex and bilateral cooperation agreements, from 2016
to 2019. The present research adopted the survey methodology and has a quantitative approach. Based on
the objectives, it is descriptive. Data collection was carried out through documentary research and the
application of a questionnaire. The analysis of the results was made through the Average Ranking (RM) of
the Likert items within each category. Among the results of this study, it can be inferred that although the
international academic mobility at UFSCar is expanding, from the weak spots detected through the
questionnaire, it is possible to implement improvement actions to increase the number of academic mobility
incoming and outgoing. It was also found that Latin America has developed its international academic
mobility, notably through AUGM, however, it still needs to be improved, aiming to attract students from all
areas of knowledge. The study also sought to offer subsidies for several institutional actions through the
indicators presented. The limitations and suggestions for future studies are presented in the final
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