Evaluation of the student satisfaction of public-inclusive education in postgraduate courses of public universities
Due to the increase of special education target students in Higher Education this study aimed to evaluate the level of satisfaction of such students in one federal and three state Brazilian Public Universities, and analyze their attitudes regarding the conditions offered by the HEI. In this exploratory research, data was collected through the application of the Satisfaction Scale and Attitudes of People with Disabilities - ESA. Nine master’s and doctor’s students in the State of São Paulo participated in the study. The results were quantitatively treated by measuring the applied scale and qualitative analysis of certain items of the scale. As for structural satisfaction, a large part of the interviewees revealed that they felt dissatisfied with the architectural accessibility of the HEI to which they belong. The levels of operational satisfaction, in general, were high in which conditions refer to resources of methodological scope to follow the lessons. Therefore, in relation to psycho-affective satisfaction, they presented satisfactory tendencies in interpersonal relationships. At Attitude, they have approached satisfactory answers, however, they do not consider it important to call the Public Prosecution Service to guarantee their rights. It is concluded that depending on what the institutions offer, failures of the courses in the postgraduate can be observed. However, HEIs need to improve in all areas of satisfaction in order to allow higher admission and stay of these students, to increase levels of satisfaction in post-graduate students in higher education.
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