Perspectives on mediation, appropriation and leisure visibility in the Instagram




Mediation, Visualities, Leisure


This paper presents the discussion of leisure mediation, allied to the conjuncture of visibility to the visualities of this practice by the appropriation of hashtag#lazer in Instagram, worked on the research Mediation of Leisure in Instagram (Gomes, 2018). Conceived through theoretical apprehensions already carried out, constituting an exploratory and descriptive cut. The results confirm the technical-cultural processes of communication brought by Sodré (2009), Martín-Barbero (2008), and the mediated interaction of Thompson (2018) in perspective to the mediated leisure in the network, either from the various expressions of social groups and individuals who consume and (re)produce content, through images, or by the visualities in the interaction mediated by hashtag#lazer, showing points of resignification and expansion of what is understood as leisure.


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How to Cite

VIVIANNE LIMEIRA. Perspectives on mediation, appropriation and leisure visibility in the Instagram. Revista de Estudos Universitários - REU, Sorocaba, SP, v. 46, n. 2, p. 323–346, 2020. DOI: 10.22484/2177-5788.2020v46n2p323-346. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 feb. 2025.