Reconstruindo os passos de uma ação

contra-colonialidade e crítica na educação midiática




media education, counter-coloniality, media criticism


The article seeks to reflect on the role of media education in the context of issues involving themes such as colonization, colonialities and counter-colonialities. These terminologies are directly related to principles of European rationality that subject other ways of knowing and enclose identities in certain discursive regimes, often stereotyped. We present how reading media products can reveal these instances of oppression and thus indicate critical mediations. The article also intends to establish ways of developing critical readings of media with participatory and active methodologies. To this end, we present the EntreMídias project which, since 2018, has sought to guide students on the importance of media education, in classes that begin in a research laboratory and end in workshops taught by the students themselves. The objective of the article, therefore, is to understand how critical media analysis can show discursive types arising from a colonializing culture, at the same time as demonstrating resistance processes based on diversity and the search for identity issues. As a methodological technique, we use exploratory and descriptive research to understand the concepts covered, as well as to present the reported project. In conclusion, we understand that media education is fundamental to the exercise of citizen principles, since only through knowledge of the media ecosystem is it possible to make, consume, create and disseminate information consistent with reality, against the grain of uninformative and alienating universes.


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Author Biographies

Rejane de Mattos Moreira, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro

University professor and researcher in the area of ​​Communication and Journalism. Post Doctorate in Communication and Territorialities from the University of Espírito Santo (2023), PhD and Master in Communication and Culture from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2006) and graduated in Social Communication - Journalism qualification from the Universidade Federal Fluminense (1997). She is currently Associate Professor III of the Journalism course at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro. At the same institution, he also leads the Center for Studies in Media Culture (NECOM) where he develops research with an emphasis on the themes of communication theories (language), journalism, culture, narratives and media education. She is the coordinator of the EntreMídias group, which prepares, produces and teaches critical media reading workshops at UFRRJ.

Cecilia Moreyra de Figueiredo Moreyra de Figueiredo, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro

Adjunct professor in the Department of Literature and Communication, at the Federal Rural University of Rio Janeiro, UFRRJ, working in the area of ​​photographic language. Bachelor in Social Communication from PUC in Rio de Janeiro (2002), specialist in Photography as a Research Tool in Social Sciences from UCAM (2004), Master in Social Sciences from UERJ (2006) and PhD in Psychosociology from the EICOS/UFRJ program. Conducts research in the field of the relationship between Images and identities, and in the field of environmental journalism. Mother of Francisco, born in 2004 during his master's degree and Leon, born in 2015 during his doctorate. She is a researcher in the research group Núcleo de Estudos em Comunicação (NECOM) and an extension worker in the Critical Media Analysis Group (ENTREMÍDIAS) and in the permanent image production laboratory at UFRRJ (Conspirafoto). Since 2002 he has worked with documentary and artistic photography, photojournalism and audiovisual direction and editing.

Sandra Sueli Garcia de Sousa, Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro

Journalist from the Federal University of Pará. Master in Communication Theory and Teaching from Umesp and PhD in Communication and Semiotics from PUC-SP. Professor of the Journalism course at UFRRJ. Academic experience in the area of ​​Communication (Journalism) with an emphasis on radio. Works with media product analysis. He is a member of the EntreMídias project and the NECOM research group.




How to Cite

DE MATTOS MOREIRA, Rejane; MOREYRA DE FIGUEIREDO, Cecilia Moreyra de Figueiredo; GARCIA DE SOUSA, Sandra Sueli. Reconstruindo os passos de uma ação: contra-colonialidade e crítica na educação midiática. Revista de Estudos Universitários - REU, Sorocaba, SP, v. 50, p. e024013, 2024. DOI: 10.22484/2177-5788.2024v50id5527. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 mar. 2025.



Dossiê - Educação Midiática