Contemplative portraits, experience, memory and creation
contemplative photography in a health education experience
contemplative photography, formation, experience.Abstract
The article addresses the relationship between image, memory and experience, seeking to understand the potential of the practice of contemplative photography in higher education in health. By bringing the production of portraits and life stories created in the researcher-researcher relationship, resulting from an activity carried out in an elective course at a public university in São Paulo, we seek to understand the reverberations of the course and its effects as a formative proposal. As central theoretical references, the text discusses the concepts of punctum, studium and Barthes biography, the conditions and value of the experience in Larrosa Bondía and the importance of the interview in cartography in Tedesco. We also seek, in the end, to build a reflection on the interpellation power of this proposition in the sense that, in addition to reporting events, it can create a humanizing experience, being a practice at the same time contemplative, creative and formative.
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