Violence in schools and implementation of public




education, right, public policy.


The article aims to reflect and substantiate the problem of school violence within the social and legal paradigm, as well as to discuss the effectiveness of legislation and the implementation of public policies in the educational field. For this purpose, the historical-dialectical materialist method was used, with an interpretative approach, based mainly on the works of several authors in the area of Education and Law. The theme chosen emphasizes the change in the view of government spheres regarding aspects of school violence, in order to constitute effective tools in the fight against violence, considering not only the school, but all its agents, especially teachers and their academic training, for effective control in the prevention, combat and resolution of disputes involving violence in schools. Therefore, it is clear that there is still much to be thought about, reformulated and developed within schools, since violence is a complex problem that requires an integrated and multifaceted approach from federal, state and municipal bodies.


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Author Biographies

Maria Fernanda Paci Hirata Shimada, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul - UFMS

Mestre em Direito pelo Centro Universitário Eurípides de Marília (UNIVEM). Mestranda em Educação pela UFMS. Docente do Curso de Direito e Coordenadora do Núcleo de Prática Jurídica das Faculdades Integradas Rui Barbosa.

Larissa Satie Fuzishima Komuro , Faculdades Integradas Rui Barbosa - FIRB

Possui mestrado em Direito pelo Centro Universitário Toledo, Graduação em Direito pela Faculdades Integradas de Três Lagoas. Atualmente é professora dos cursos de Direito e Psicologia e coordena o curso de Direito das Faculdades Integradas Rui Barbosa.

Angelo Raphael Mattos, Faculdades Integradas Rui Barbosa - FIRB

Doutor e mestre em Relações Internacionais pelo PPG San Tiago Dantas (UNESP, UNICAMP, PUC-SP). Bacharel em Relações Internacionais pela UNESP-Marília. Pesquisador na Rede de Pesquisa em Política Externa e Regionalismo (REPRI). Professor nas Faculdades Integradas Rui Barbosa (FIRB).



How to Cite

SHIMADA, Maria Fernanda Paci Hirata; KOMURO , Larissa Satie Fuzishima; MATTOS, Angelo Raphael. Violence in schools and implementation of public. Quaestio - Revista de Estudos em Educação, Sorocaba, SP, v. 26, p. e024019, 2024. DOI: 10.22483/2177-5796.2024v26id5227. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 oct. 2024.



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